Sunday, October 30, 2011


Ok, I know a week after the event is late to be sharing.... but I needed time to process what I learned at higheredweb. You can read some of my key thoughts here: and see a lot of the presentations here
I'm going to the HighEdWeb 2011 Conference in Austin, Texas, October 23-26
I spent pretty much every moment in Austin in session or talking to someone who was teaching me something. Four solid days of learning. It was incredible and intense. I distilled all the info into 20 "golden nuggets;" five books to read and 15 things I should think about doing. Upon further reflection I picked seven action items. I started working on three of them today and it was a wonderful morning... still doing my job but doing it in a new light. Really energized and excited to keep learning and making things better. The most illuminating idea I had was this: (and if I ever get to do a presentation I'm going to call it this) Who, What, Where, Why and When... new definitions in today's online world.
  • Who: Everyone really, you are no longer limited to the people physically in your space or who can buy your newspaper or get your press release
  • What: need to sort what is of interest in new ways... don't tell stories the same way to all your audiences
  • Where: again, no limits, if you can connect online you can share with all
  • Why: make it meaningful so others help share stories
  • When: NOW, is better, but after the fact might be OK if can bring insight and illumination along with it. The past is no longer an excuse... have your audience help tell story if you are strapped.
Thanks to the heweb11 world for invigorating me again. Once I'm over this cold I caught on the plane I'll be busier than ever!

NOTE: Storify no longer exists as a platform. Which is sad, I used to love that. Found my story on the WayBack Machine: 

Monday, October 10, 2011


October has been a time for change. First, the whole EA mess. Well, they claim that once I changed my facebook rights that I gave them permission to delete my whole account cause I first set it up via FB. That is a definite bug. But, the loss of that account and my decision not to start over has been so freeing... while I was definitely re-energized by several of the people I "met" there, it was becoming a drag trying to keep my share value up. So, I am taking the lessons learned and applying them in new ways.

At UB my office moved. I am now located in Talbert. Parking is better, temperature is better, food might be more tempting (trying to resist) and it will be easier to participate in meetings across the spine. I do miss my own office (now in a cubicle) and the quiet (well, it was quiet when the music majors were not singing in the stairwell) and the privacy (never sure if someone is looking for me when they wander around our space) but it is a much bigger space than I anticipated and I have more storage than before. I think it will be OK once we all settle down.

At home we are setting into the routine of not having my oldest at home. It took much longer than I expected to get used to it and I think I probably never will be used to it. I begin to understand the "empty nest" syndrome even though I still have two at home. There is a hole in the fabric of our lives and while I can patch it, the fabric will change. I'm OK with having a quilt represent my life, but the emotions have been stronger than I could ever have planned. And the other two are finally getting used to the new normal of making sure I can pick them up (their brother used to be able to help) and that the schedules have shifted. We'll probably just figure it all out and he'll come home for Christmas :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Empire Avenue

OK, I am annoyed right now. Earlier today I logged into EA, checked my social graph and went about my business. Just tried to go back on my lunch and found my account has been deleted. I'm not sure what I did or what I clicked, but unless someone decided to hack into my account, I must have hit something. I did modify some privacy settings in facebook this AM, but, I was under the impression that EA was a separate entity. Now I am not so sure.

It would appear that my whole account is now gone. And I'm not going to spend the time bringing it back. So, if we connected on EA along the way, I'm sorry for this error. If Empire Avenue can figure out how to salvage my account, then I'll continue, but since my primary peer groups never connected there, this might actually end up being a blessing in disguise.

Oh what a tangled web we are weaving.... this is certainly a wake-up call for what is connected where.