Showing posts with label ub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ub. Show all posts

Monday, June 15, 2015

Cleaning out the basement

Finding all kinds of interesting things.  Like the fact that I freelanced for the University at Buffalo in 1998, long before I ever started working here in 2006.  The assignment for Buffalo Physician was Roswell Park focused, and since I started working at RPCI around this time, I guess I just figured it was a part of that job. Turns out it was not. I found the UB contract over the weekend.  I guess I was meant to be here :)

Here is a PDF file from the Buffalo Physician Winter 1999 issue with my three articles extracted. Kind of a fun weekend. Now I have more sorting, scanning and cleaning to do. But perhaps soon my basement will be organized and the stuff I want to keep will be safe. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Happy April

Spring has finally arrived in Buffalo! I've seen tons of robins and the tufted titmouse bird is back calling "peeter, peeter" over and over again. Makes me miss my son...

I managed to stay pretty healthy all winter until the weather changed and now I'm lucky my coworkers haven't tossed me on my ear with my coughing in my cube. I was not the first to get sick around here, but after years in a hospital setting I am super sensitive to making people sick because of my illness.

You would think getting laid low by a virus would help the book reading efforts but sadly no. I just keep sleeping!  The updates for this cycle are both from the diaconate weekend. We finished Mary's Song last weekend and I read Contemplative Prayer to get ready for a discussion about a theological reflection. Got some other Merton books out of the library and I am looking forward to reading them when I can stay awake.

Work has been amazing though. We had the best social media around Accepted Students Day at #ubuffalo this year. Just amazing. It felt like Christmas I was having so much fun. Plus I'm getting a bit more into marketing efforts and that feels so familiar. I love web content but sometimes it helps to step out, see the big picture and then go back in and figure out how best to tell the story in the individual areas.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Roswell Thoughts

Another Ride for Roswell is over. It is always my anniversary weekend and I've been involved I think in all 17 of the events. I used to work for the Alliance Foundation as a freelancer (started late 1993) and joined the Institute as a medical writer in 1998. Stayed for almost 11 years before heading over to UB. Since UB hosts the event, I still help out the event creating social media updates and telling stories. It is a major part of my life and maybe someday I'll actually get on a bike and ride!

Why People Rode
This photo sums up a lot for me. Everyone involved has a story to tell. My story, aside from having been a member of the team, is that my Mom was a nurse at Roswell Park, my son volunteered there and my mother-in-law died of breast cancer. We are all touched by cancer and need to remember that every day is precious.

Monday, October 10, 2011


October has been a time for change. First, the whole EA mess. Well, they claim that once I changed my facebook rights that I gave them permission to delete my whole account cause I first set it up via FB. That is a definite bug. But, the loss of that account and my decision not to start over has been so freeing... while I was definitely re-energized by several of the people I "met" there, it was becoming a drag trying to keep my share value up. So, I am taking the lessons learned and applying them in new ways.

At UB my office moved. I am now located in Talbert. Parking is better, temperature is better, food might be more tempting (trying to resist) and it will be easier to participate in meetings across the spine. I do miss my own office (now in a cubicle) and the quiet (well, it was quiet when the music majors were not singing in the stairwell) and the privacy (never sure if someone is looking for me when they wander around our space) but it is a much bigger space than I anticipated and I have more storage than before. I think it will be OK once we all settle down.

At home we are setting into the routine of not having my oldest at home. It took much longer than I expected to get used to it and I think I probably never will be used to it. I begin to understand the "empty nest" syndrome even though I still have two at home. There is a hole in the fabric of our lives and while I can patch it, the fabric will change. I'm OK with having a quilt represent my life, but the emotions have been stronger than I could ever have planned. And the other two are finally getting used to the new normal of making sure I can pick them up (their brother used to be able to help) and that the schedules have shifted. We'll probably just figure it all out and he'll come home for Christmas :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Ride For Roswell

Last Saturday the University at Buffalo hosted the 16th annual Ride for Roswell event. The estimates were 7,500 riders, 1,500 volunteers and over $3 million dollars raised for Roswell Park Cancer Institute.

The most amazing part of the day... that everyone showed up even with rain clouds threatening....I'll be honest it did not rain during the main events (10 different routes ranging from 3 miles to 62 miles) or when people were queuing up to eat lunch. It misted right after the main event (a bit) but didn't dampen the spirits of the people listening to the band. No one seemed concerned and everyone was ready to deal with it.

That's one of the reasons I love Buffalo... you make plans, you stick to them. No matter the weather, no matter the crowd, we just come together regularly to make a difference. I was proud to be a part of the day.