Showing posts with label privacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label privacy. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2014


So every year on December 31 I sit down and create a list of resolutions for the new year that I then fold up and put into my checkbook. This is a 25+ year tradition for me and last year I was remarkably successful with my 11 goals for the year. Three were completed, four were started (and were in good order by December) and two were changed for good reasons. There was only one item that really didn't get touched and it had to do with my writing, but as I came up with a good idea for a story I think it wasn't a complete loss.

Most of the time my goals are financial. I'm a Capricorn and that rings very true for me. Many of my money goals feel like pipe dreams when I put them on the paper but I think that was part of my happiness on Tuesday.... for the first time I actually crossed off the majority of those goals in a calendar year. Either I'm getting more realistic as I age or I'm honestly doing better tightening my belt.

I'm not prepared to share my list of 12 goals for 2014, they are pretty detailed and personal, but Rachel Reuben shared some of her goals today ( and she gave a shout-out to Chris Brogan's technique of three words ( which I will try.

Here goes: Create ~ Nurture ~ Support

Create: I want to be more crafty, I want to write, I want to garden, I want to find news ways to make things last so I can be more thrifty. At work I want to generate new content and make more people connect.  I think this word is a strong action word (with many meanings) for my personal and professional goals.

Nurture: I want to be able to nurture relationships to celebrate good things and for when things get tough. I also want to figure out how to keep nurturing our financial life. I need to keep nurturing myself so that I have resources when things get tough.

Support: I need to learn how to lean on others for support as well as determine how to best balance the fact that I am the major support for several people. I want to strengthen old and new friendships so that the online network I've developed can become more "in real life."  I am consistently amazed at the new ideas I learn each day and I have to be better at migrating those ideas into real sustainable supports for myself and my family.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Empire Avenue

OK, I am annoyed right now. Earlier today I logged into EA, checked my social graph and went about my business. Just tried to go back on my lunch and found my account has been deleted. I'm not sure what I did or what I clicked, but unless someone decided to hack into my account, I must have hit something. I did modify some privacy settings in facebook this AM, but, I was under the impression that EA was a separate entity. Now I am not so sure.

It would appear that my whole account is now gone. And I'm not going to spend the time bringing it back. So, if we connected on EA along the way, I'm sorry for this error. If Empire Avenue can figure out how to salvage my account, then I'll continue, but since my primary peer groups never connected there, this might actually end up being a blessing in disguise.

Oh what a tangled web we are weaving.... this is certainly a wake-up call for what is connected where.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


So, yesterday facebook changed everything again. Annoying. Most of my friends reacted negatively too. Couldn't find things I normally scanned in the morning, lost the train of the feed on several occasions etc.

Interestingly my college aged son wondered what the big deal was. He has the updated feed but didn't care about it. My high school daughter didn't even notice, but then again she only uses FB on a mobile device.

Which got me to thinking. Why was I so annoyed and they so unaffected? My guess would be that they share everything with their friends. I don't.

I started sorting into two main groups over a year ago, people I actually know and acquaintances. The acquaintances got sorted into a group that locked them out of the details of my life. We could message one another, we can play games together, they can invite me to their events, but they couldn't see the pictures of my kids. I also used the lists option to sort my feed, my preferred method was to view status updates and I hid the feeds of many of the games, groups I was asked to like etc. When it was time to play Cafe World or Mafia Wars (yes, I got sucked into those games by my kids and I still play) I could sort the feed for game updates and send gifts etc. I was very happy.

Now, facebook has sorted all my friends for me and the feed lists option appears to be gone. If I click the FB games list, I don't see my friends there who play games with me, only the acquaintances. I have to click several places now to see the info that used to be at my fingertips. From a work perspective, I am concerned that the pages I promote will get buried... that we won't be "top news" cause we publish in waves of info and our fans might not see the info we do share.

This afternoon there was a press conference explaining why all of this is so great. Honestly, it just feels like a targeted advertising demographic grab. If I am forced to sort all of my friends into all the categories in which I hold them, Facebook learns a little bit more about my likes. And someday the ads will be more personalized. Honestly, if I wanted to sort everyone into groups I could use google plus :)

So, if you are as fed up with facebook as I am, come find me on google plus. I've already got the circles started over there. I won't leave facebook, too many friends and family there, but I don't think I'll spend the time curating my peeps the way FB wants. I'll just figure out how to view the basics and play the games. And continue to try to keep my private life private.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cleaning up the social media

I think I'm overwhelmed. There are way too many social media accounts out there. With the advent of Google+ everything is shooting into overdrive.

So, I decided to start looking for any account I ever opened. So far I've cleaned up six old accounts and am debating if I "need" my other profiles out there.

Then in one last major attempt to purge a little bit from the ether, I found an old blog tied to a website with a previous employer. Deleted. But in the same venue I found two other work related blogs tied to that company too. I thought I'd left instructions of how to manage/delete, but they were overlooked. Three years later I was contacting my replacement to let her know they are there.

Makes me wonder what else is buried out there. I'm glad to say that I've always been well behaved on the internet, so even if I've really lost something, it's ok if someone finds later.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Privacy and the web

So, I'm rethinking some of the sites to which I am a member. Recently I've blogged about Empire Avenue but what amazes me is how deep they are finding my social media connections. I got "credit" for liking a video on youtube over a year ago. That made me think, well, where else have I visited in the past three years, five years, decade? I'm an early adopter of the internet, been using it all along.

So, I started looking. I found a "website" I created for a class (took it down); found a blog I used for testing stuff (took it down), remembered I joined a community to help with some health and wellness goals (decimated the personal info on it but stayed a member); am checking my personal settings on facebook again (I check that sucker weekly, they change the rules too often) and am thinking that I probably need to do a bit more searching to make sure I'm not missing anything else.

The most important thing to me is that I keep my private life private and my social life protected. I want to share my thoughts and learn about yours, I want to be more productive at work and share in global thoughts and learning, but I have to remember at the end of the day, keeping these separate protects my family the most.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Social Logins

The topic on twitter today (4-19-11) is the amount of personal data available via social log-in methods. Facebook seems to be leading the pack with the amount of personal data collected, but they are not alone.

My very first thought about this subject: don't share anything online you're not willing to share in public. You don't have to fill in all the boxes because they make them available. Use the privacy settings, check them often, update as needed.

My grandmother was always careful about what she said and to whom after her house was robbed when she told her hairdresser why she was getting a fancy updo "going out to dinner tonight for a family party." Well, the hairdresser's boyfriend was a thief. Similar issue in my life... family friend's son, who was watching our goldfish, told neighborhood troublemaker "they're not home this weekend and I'm watching their pets." We were robbed by the local juvenile delinquents.

Needless to say I don't tell people when I have tickets for any event or if I'm checking out the latest restaurant. I post after the fact if I want. I use different settings for friends-family and people I only know online. I'm teaching my kids to be paranoid. But avoiding social media is not the answer. Learning how to harness the beast is the trick.