Friday, June 3, 2011

Follow Up: Change is Now

I rarely check my personal email anymore... in fact sometimes I go a few days without looking at it. Most of my friends are on facebook (so I "see" them daily) and my colleagues are on twitter or email me at work.

My workflow changed subtly... I used to check email at least three times a day... but now I need to set a tickler so I don't miss school stuff or emails from my folks. I much prefer the flow of info from the new social media channels.

The other major change is how I can avoid ads... at least a lot of the time. I've stopped turning on my radio in my car (mind you my commute is only 8 minutes now, but still) and we "tape" everything we watch so we can skip the commercials as we watch a show. Yesterday my youngest and I were looking at bird cams and were both annoyed by a "required" ad to see a nest. He dumped it from his list of cams to check.

How has your workflow/entertainment flow changed in the past year? Five years? Decade?

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