Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Outside the House

My daughter said she "didn't know we'd have a nature preserve at this house" yesterday when we were discussing how to stop upsetting a mama bird living by our front door. Now that the dog is getting older (see previous post) it seems we have multiple critters moving onto the property. Here are just some:

Baby rabbits (on side of the house)

Baby bunnies

The eggs in the nest (where we keep upsetting mama)

Eggs in nest!

Why we keep upsetting her, she's is my hanging basket by the door above the mailbox! You can see her if you look closely.

Bird in basket!



Butterflies (from last year, my neighbor collects, hatches and releases back in the yard, we babysat)



We caught one of the caterpillars going into the pupa stage. Check this video out!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

My pets

I wanted to be a vet. I read the James Herriot books when I was younger and fell in love with the profession. Worked at a vet's office and the zoo and volunteered with horses for years. Cornell waitlisted me and I realized I didn't need to go into that much debt for a degree. Went into medical writing/journalism and higher ed instead. Happy I made the choice.

My years of being pre-professional though, has made me a "cheap" pet owner. I only rescue SPCA animals (except for fish LOL) and I rarely do all the tests when my pets get sick. I just nurse them back to health. So here they are:

Shadow (currently 15, the oldest pet I've ever had)


Nugget (our newest member of the family, probably about 18 months)

The fish, where the red mollies just had babies!
The fish (lots of babies)

Bandit (our first cat who died of a stroke in January, miss her)