Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A custom coat

For Christmas, my aunt gifted me wool she inherited. The clearing out of closets is a whole series of posts for a future time, but suffice it to say, my relatives have been strongly encouraged to go into drawers that have been ignored for a while. She found several pieces of beautiful fabric and wanted at least one converted into something new. So, we set out to find a tailor. Most people told me to leave Buffalo and head to Toronto or New York City to have a coat made, but we went to Chayban's instead. He took one look at the fabric, agreed it was beautiful, quoted me $600 and took my measurements. One fitting later (only needed to adjust shoulders and determine the final length) and I'll have a custom coat in one month.

I admit that I was surprised when he quoted me that figure. But, now that I've gone through the fitting process I realize that I got a great deal. His experience was worth every penny for something I'll have for the rest of my life.

When you decide you need something done, and you go find the right person to do the work, pay them what they are worth.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

26 Shirts

Sometimes I am lucky.  I picked Feb. 2 as my first 26shirts sponsorship day cause it's the day of the big game :)  And in addition to the regularly offered shirts in Buffalo, these are the special ones available this time around! 

Special Edition: "Buff-emoji"
Buffalo Vol. 7, Shirt 7: "The Buffalonian: Baby Buffaloda"
The Buffalonian Shirt

Friday, January 24, 2020


Last night I had the pleasure of attending the 20th Celebration of Catholic Education dinner at the Buffalo Convention Center. My husband and I were guests of a friend who works for Uniland, so we came to the event not entirely sure who we might find. We promptly walked into the parish group where my husband volunteers (teacher of the year award winner!), a former colleague of mine from Roswell Park and UB, and several other friends we don't always get to see. It was a lovely evening. The bonus to the whole event was the potential for a new project, updates on some other former colleagues, and a reassessment that everyone on Buffalo knows everyone else, so acting politely at all times is needed :)