Saturday, March 10, 2018


I had an opportunity to talk to one of my clients yesterday about the WCAG initiative. That acronym stands for the web content accessibility guidelines. You can start to read them all at   The goal is to make all web content easily enjoyed by all viewers no matter how they access that content. If I can help you with a website, please reach out!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

26 Shirts (Again)

My second sponsorship day for 26 Shirts will be Sunday, March 11.

 Check out their designs at this week and help someone today!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Purging old content

In the new age of changing tools and more privacy needed, I've made the decision to purge another blog I started.

I've always loved the idea of writing, but finding the time to just write for fun doesn't always happen. There is always another chore or task to be done. So, I just deleted something I started in 2011 when my oldest was looking at colleges.  Seven years later I posted a whopping 13 times as the meanestmother.

Real life is just way more interesting than a virtual one.

PS: When I deleted the blog, I realized that I had created a Twitter account in tandem with it.  Will be purging that too.  But I did love this little avatar I made for that.  I have three kids and while they are similar in many ways, they are also doing different things all of the time.

PPS: I also appeared to have created a new email account for that Twitter feed that I completely forgot about (and hadn't used for three years).  Now I'm wondering what else I started and never used again.  Does anyone else have this as an issue?