Monday, June 15, 2015

Cleaning out the basement

Finding all kinds of interesting things.  Like the fact that I freelanced for the University at Buffalo in 1998, long before I ever started working here in 2006.  The assignment for Buffalo Physician was Roswell Park focused, and since I started working at RPCI around this time, I guess I just figured it was a part of that job. Turns out it was not. I found the UB contract over the weekend.  I guess I was meant to be here :)

Here is a PDF file from the Buffalo Physician Winter 1999 issue with my three articles extracted. Kind of a fun weekend. Now I have more sorting, scanning and cleaning to do. But perhaps soon my basement will be organized and the stuff I want to keep will be safe. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Prepping for the Tri-State Conference

I think I'm done with my presentation, I've gotten my hotel reservation confirmed and my travel plans are set. I'm excited to be speaking at the Tri-State Consortium of Opportunity Programs in Higher Education 25th Anniversary Conference.

While this is not the first time I've ever made a presentation about social media, it is my first workshop. So I'm excited for the give and take with the crowd and hoping that I can learn a few new things along with the information I'll be sharing.

I will be sharing key pieces of the presentation on the blog after the meeting. If you're interested, watch for those updates.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March comes in like a lion

So, who decided that the phrase "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" makes any sense?  Lions in savannas which are usually warm. 

Tonight freezing rain is expected. I can't decide if I'm happy about that or not. For it to rain, we have to be up over 32 degrees. It's been over a month since the last time it was that warm around here. Seriously.  But at least this should end soon. It's almost St. Patrick's Day and that is usually when the snow stops for the season. Usually.