Tuesday, June 3, 2014

May was a whirlwind

So hello June. In fact I'm late on the hello part since today is June 3.

No books read since my last post. Grateful I got ahead on the year-long goal when I had the chance. Between the family funeral, getting Peter home from college, Maggie's end of SHA activities, Pete's birthday and a weekend in Richmond, VA with Matthew for the East Coast Volleyball playoffs, I lost the month. Totally.

Update on the projects... um, the dress is still not done. Have totally reworked it. I begin to understand why couture costs so much. I am literally hand stitching part of it now to fit her properly. I hope it is wearable when done but I now afraid that it will be a tortured piece of fabric when finished. I'm not sure I'm a candidate for Project Runway anytime soon.

On the plus side of that not being finished, I will have a legitimate excuse to sit in the cooler basement while working on it.

Starting to read Rebuilt and planning to read "12 Years a Slave." Looking for history recommendations. I find those easier to read in spurts and that appears to be my life for the next few weeks as we prep for two graduations this month.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May flowers

Had fun visting Mischler's Florist at the end of April to get flowers for the front yard and the diaconate luncheon. Primroses were on sale and they were gorgeous.  The rabbits have enjoyed all of the ones I planted in the front yard, so I hope they rebound OK. Daffodils are blooming so we have some color all around.

I was able to share the daffodils with my Uncle Steve before he passed last weekend. They really did brighten up the room. We lost him on May 4, which was odd considering the Big Bang Theory episode last week about Sheldon coping with a death on Star Wars Day. I'm not really sure I want to start finding clues to my destiny in random tv episodes, but that hit awfully close to home.

With his illness and the diaconate needs, I really have had no time to read or do any other activities around the house. I really need to finish Maggie's dress too. Time is slipping away.

Three more books under the bridge though. The most fun was Red Shirts by John Scalzi. I love that concept from Star Trek and it was a brilliant take on the idea. Also read The Alloy of Law from Brandon Sanderson (a mistborn book) which was OK and the Druggist of Auschiwitz by Dieter Schelsak. It was a sad take on the "medical" side of the concentration camp.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Happy April

Spring has finally arrived in Buffalo! I've seen tons of robins and the tufted titmouse bird is back calling "peeter, peeter" over and over again. Makes me miss my son...

I managed to stay pretty healthy all winter until the weather changed and now I'm lucky my coworkers haven't tossed me on my ear with my coughing in my cube. I was not the first to get sick around here, but after years in a hospital setting I am super sensitive to making people sick because of my illness.

You would think getting laid low by a virus would help the book reading efforts but sadly no. I just keep sleeping!  The updates for this cycle are both from the diaconate weekend. We finished Mary's Song last weekend and I read Contemplative Prayer to get ready for a discussion about a theological reflection. Got some other Merton books out of the library and I am looking forward to reading them when I can stay awake.

Work has been amazing though. We had the best social media around Accepted Students Day at #ubuffalo this year. Just amazing. It felt like Christmas I was having so much fun. Plus I'm getting a bit more into marketing efforts and that feels so familiar. I love web content but sometimes it helps to step out, see the big picture and then go back in and figure out how best to tell the story in the individual areas.