Wednesday, July 25, 2012


This week I've had the privilege of helping co-chair the Mission experience at St. Gregory the Great Church in Buffalo. I can't tell you about it, only people who have participated in the program knows what happens each night, but I can tell you that it changed my life.

The beauty of the program is how each participant gets what they need from it. I am amazed every year at how differently people experience the events of the week. How I see them or how I feel can be completely different than the person across the aisle.

This retreat is also different in that it is 7 consecutive nights. By Friday we'll all be exhausted together, but I think that adds to the experience. It is part of the sharing. Next summer my husband and I will be the leaders of the retreat. It will interesting and humbling to hold that position. I hope next year goes as well as this one is doing.

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