Friday, July 27, 2012

Three Words

Sending a shout out to Libdrone Books today.

I've come to know them through Empire Avenue (yes, I'm back into that again) and find their blog using three words to be a brilliant writing device. And I'm honored that my words have been used twice in recent months.

Go check them out, and if three words come to mind, share them. You might end up being featured in their blog! 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Update on Baby Birds

They fledged and flew away pretty quickly. You can see two of them below in the nest. Any clue what kind of birds? All the babies I wrote about last month are gone. Now we just have chipmunks around who steal the birdseed :)

Baby Birds

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


This week I've had the privilege of helping co-chair the Mission experience at St. Gregory the Great Church in Buffalo. I can't tell you about it, only people who have participated in the program knows what happens each night, but I can tell you that it changed my life.

The beauty of the program is how each participant gets what they need from it. I am amazed every year at how differently people experience the events of the week. How I see them or how I feel can be completely different than the person across the aisle.

This retreat is also different in that it is 7 consecutive nights. By Friday we'll all be exhausted together, but I think that adds to the experience. It is part of the sharing. Next summer my husband and I will be the leaders of the retreat. It will interesting and humbling to hold that position. I hope next year goes as well as this one is doing.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Keynote for HighEdWeb

I'm going to the HighEdWeb 2012 Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Oct. 7-10

Today the HighEdWeb team announced the keynote for the conference: Adam Savage from Mythbusters.

This will be very, very cool. Love that show and find their promotion of the scientific method, the never-give-up mentality and the overall positive nature of the show to be wonderful ways to sneakily teach my kids new things. Looking forward to what I'll get to learn.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

HigherEd Web

I'm going to the HighEdWeb 2012 Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Oct. 7-10

Looking forward to this trip and the October conference. I had the chance to go to Austin last year and it was an amazing experience. Learned so much, I actually came back with about 20 take-aways and tried them all. Implemented about half into my day to day job. Hoping to do the same and possibly figure out a presentation for when it comes to BUFFALO.

My fav photos from Austin:

My movie about the bats at the Congress Bridge:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Driving Test

Yesterday I took my daughter for her driving test. We pulled up to a LONG line of cars. Spotted a co-worker waiting for his son to finish his test (he passed). Found out there was at least an hour delay. Settled in for the wait. Finally it was her turn. She was pretty nervous by the time it was going to start.

I got out of the car and showed my license to the examiner who got into the car. As I turned away, an older man on a motorcycle pulled up and yelled my daughter's name and gave her two thumbs up. She smiled but couldn't talk. I walked over and asked who he is. He is her afternoon bus driver.

What are the odds that while I am standing in the middle of the street, in a neighborhood I've only visited three times in my life (my test, my older son's test and yesterday) that my daughter's bus driver would be there too and able to shout words of encouragement? Struck me as odd, but it actually calmed her down and she passed.

Lesson learned: We end up where we are needed. He made a wrong turn and look what happened. A wonderfully positive experience.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Driving thru Ohio

So, I've spent a lot of time on the road in the past year and my most frequent destination was Cincinnati, OH. It's actually a really nice ride through Ohio and I have a few mental checkmarks as to how I am doing on my ride.  My two favorite road signs are these:

Where will you spend enternity?
Hell is Real (sorry blurry)


On the return trip a non-Catholic version of the 10 commandments are painted on the signs. Can't miss them and maybe they make people think for a minute. Might even keep drivers safe if they decide to be cautious after seeing them.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Baby Birds!

The eggs hatched :) Now both parents are flying all over. When they start to fly this should get more interesting!

Baby Birds!