Thursday, May 19, 2011

Failed Tasks

So, I've been asked to complete a task at work... not going to go into the details of it but it involves essentially removing access from a social media platform we will no longer support. Went online, read the instructions, followed them to the letter and nothing. The final button did nothing.

OK, try it again, maybe I missed a step? Nope.

OK, maybe the browsers I updated won't play nice with this site anymore, so I go get an earlier version to try that. Nope.

Maybe the help forums have an answer, Nope.

Then it became at least a 30-minute search for the contact button. Finally found it, sent a message and waited.

It took 24 hours for a response and then I got new instructions. None of which are online in the "how to delete an account" or "help deleting your account" forums. I'm not sure why that would be, because now they have to talk to anyone who is serious about removing an account, but I'm not the manager of that group. So, I followed those instructions and am now waiting again.

This is the second time I've had issues recently with removing a profile... my other headache was with a website I created for a class on a free server. When I went to delete my profile I was told that I cannot do that, but I could delete my site and never return and eventually I'll be placed in their dead account file. I guess I understand keeping content for liability purposes, but making it hard to clean up my internet life? I'm not sure I'm happy about that. I don't like leaving accounts with emails and passwords out in the ether.

Crossing my fingers that the first group clears the account for me and I can move on... but this will make me think twice about trying new social media sites...

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