Friday, February 20, 2015

When the internet breaks

Over the past six weeks my home phone has been ringing a lot at weird hours.  It appears that some bot scraped my business name, merged it with something else and promptly posted my home phone as a towing company.  With all of the snow and ice issues, there have been many calls for towing.  I'm getting tired.

So far in searching I have been unable to locate which group started this problem for me. I'm not a car enthusiast so that's not any kind of a connection.  I'm really at a loss and getting frustrated trying to search this info out. Anyone have a suggestion for a fix that doesn't involve me dumping my home phone number?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Workshop Scheduled

I am pleased to announce that I will conducting a workshop on Social Media at the Tri-State Conference in April 2015. Details are still being worked out, but I was confirmed as a presenter last night.

I am honored to be chosen and am looking forward to this opportunity.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Not even sure I should be titling this a 2015 blog, but here goes.

I have decided that I am not a blogger. I love twitter, I love facebook but I don't love blogging. I think it is a few reasons:
  • I'm too busy
  • I am happy to share my opinion when asked, but just putting stuff out into the void seems a bit pretensious
  • New tools have already supplanted the reason I relaunched this blog
So, the reasons.  I'm too busy.  I love my job at UB. I work on a computer all day long. I'm not doing a lot of generic computer work in my free time.  I have freelance jobs too, so again, when I don't have to be on a computer, I'm not being there anymore. So blogging fails the free time test.

I'm happy to share my opinion.... but not just being opinionated.  I'll share fun stuff on twitter (follow me at (@cpd623)  and hang out with my friends on facebook, but that stuff is way more personal than what I want to share on a blog. Maybe I'll change my mind again, but maybe not.  I'll keep this active, but more like monthly than weekly or daily.

New tools. I love Pinterest for my book tracking. I managed to pin 52 books last year and I've started the same goal for 2015. I don't need to blog about them anymore cause that is faster.

I'm always open to new ideas, work requests, professional contacts etc. If you'd like to work together, find me on LinkedIn