Monday, March 24, 2014

Books and Work and NCAA

Update on the reading (three more done). Am tracking all of them on this Pinterest board cause I'm lousy at the running count ! It says 21 so far, so I'm well ahead of the goal. I am sure real life will stop me at some point LOL.

  • 700 Sundays by Billy Crystal
  • The Blessing by John Trent
  • League of Denial: The NFL, Concussions and the Battle for Truth by ESPN reporters

I tried to read a Rex Stout mystery but just could not bring myself to sort through the old-fashioned language and sexist attitudes. I know that noir literature is like that but I just was not in the mood.

So, next I'm going to read the Divergent series. We have a rule in my house that you are not supposed to see a movie until you have read the book. As Maggie points out regularly, I have not held Matthew to that standard all the time. But he was a baby when we started reading Harry Potter and I wasn't going to stop him from enjoying those movies. However, I am enforcing that rule with the Hunger Games, Enders Game and Divergent. So, now I have to read those books!


Off Peak Update
I am in the process of launching some new initiatives for the Tri-State Consortium including surveys to help with their research, an experts roster and expanded LinkedIn options. I'm excited to work on their materials because it is such a great way for me to connect all of my marketing and highered experience.  Plus, it helps me to start new projects because it keeps me current. I find sometimes that we just let things ride until we are forced to change. By continuing to expand my skills, I can bring new ideas to work and vice versa. Grateful for these opportunities. 


Just a note about the NCAA.  Boy, the brackets are broken. I don't recall any other tourney where there have been so many upsets. But the basketball has been amazing to watch. I love March Madness !

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Another snow storm

Buffalo had another snow storm yesterday. As my friend Arlene said on facebook "You know you are from Buffalo when everyone is complaining that ONLY 14 inches of snow and 30-40 mph winds and 1/4 mile visibility is hardly a blizzard and doesn't measure up to our standards."

I have to agree that it was never a blizzard yesterday, but thundersnow was a new experience. 

Got to finish reading The Monuments Men while home and had a mini movie marathon with the kids. Watched Red 2 and Despicable Me 2. Both were Christmas gifts we have not had any time to watch. Also did a bunch of computer work and got organized to try to make a spring dress, while Pete worked on the kitchen some more. I think we need more days off like that. Totally random where you are up and moving (both Pete and I went to work) but as the city shut down we both came home at noon and were energized to get some things done. Quite a gift actually.

Have two mysteries to read and two more kindle possibilities. We'll see how I do this weekend. 

18 books finished so far in 2014.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A blur of a month

So, after the excitement of the hospital visits, I had the pleasure of sharing the flu with my kids. Well, they probably shared it with me. So, I'm a bit concerned that today is March 11 and I feel like I've missed all of March to date.

On the plus side, the weather is still super cold so I don't think I'm missing much LOL.

Book update. I've started a Pinterest Board to help me track my books and I did manage to read a few while under the weather.

I read The Sports Gene by David Epstein. He quoted Outliers quite a bit so that was interesting. Peter brought it home over break and I swiped it for a few days.

I also skimmed Hunters of Dune and all of Sandworms of Dune so I'm calling that one book to be honest. Very repetitive at the start but I did like the ending a lot.

Read through the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. World War Z was much more interesting, but his ideas are creative.

Total count for year is 17 complete in week 11. Doing pretty well so far!

On deck are: The Monuments Men, 700 Sundays and League of Denial. I also have a few mysteries to read but I'm not sure I'm interested in those right now. We'll see.