Wednesday, July 3, 2019

About me

I'm starting to realize that I have profiles all over the place and I forget them regularly.  Today's surprise?  I haven't logged in there for years.  So, it's now gone. 

But I did like my personal description so I'm archiving it here :)

My hobbies and activities shaped my life. After joining The Griffin at Canisius College, I turned my biology degree into a career as a technical writer, college administrator and social media maven. When I was the only person on a marketing team who knew what "html" meant, I became a content manager, site developer and advocate for accessibility. I'm currently working in Web Services at the University at Buffalo where I love working on the channels that help to recruit and retain our students.

I'm the meanest mother in the world and a confirmed sci-fi fantasy geek – anyone else see ALL six original Star Wars movies on opening weekend? I'll have to update this to seven in December when I see it, but I've got my tickets!

Just remember that the worst someone can do is say no. If they say yes, we move forward, if they say no we find another way to get the job done, but the worst thing I can do is not ask. Let's all learn something new today and make the world a better place.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Congratulations to the Tri-State Consortium!

Wishing all of the conference attendees a wonderful event as you continue to promote educational opportunity programs! The conference schedule looks amazing. I'll be watching for your updates and photos!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Successful web launch!

Congrats to PADE!  The Pennsylvania Association of Developmental Educators launched their new website in anticipation of their annual conference this coming weekend. I had the opportunity to work with them on part of their content audit, website set-up and editing for accessibility.  I think the site turned out really well.  Kudos to their team that was focused on the project.  Linda was particularly amazing!