Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Connecting Pinterest

So, I'm slowing connecting all my social media channels together. Today I'm focused on Pinterest. I enjoy spending time on the site, so I'm going to start adding new content there. I have some creative moments (when I have time) and I've gotten fun ideas from the site that I've used.

If you're on Pinterest, let's connect.  My most recent board features my birthday cakes. I will slowly upload all my photos from over the years.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Ice Breaker

I was asked to come up with an activity for a holiday party at work. There were going to be around a dozen people in attendance.  So the 12 Days of Christmas seems like a logical solution. Here are the questions I developed (I work at UB which is why there are a few work related questions included):

  • On the first day…. Tell us about any memorable first day…. Of work, of school, at UB? 
  • On the second day…. What is your favorite duo? Batman & Robin, PB&J? 
  • On the third day…. Since “tri” means 3, tell us your favorite food or place to eat and why we should “tri” it. 
  • On the fourth day…. Imagine it’s the 4th of July. Where are the best fireworks? 
  • On the fifth day…. What’s your favorite memory of a golden summer day? 
  • On the sixth day… There are 6 foreign campuses affiliated with UB (Singapore, Japan, Canada, Poland, China and India). Which one would you want to visit? 
  • On the seventh day…. What’s a perfect weekend like? 
  • On the eighth day … 8 looks like infinity…. If you had all the free time in the world where/what would you do with it? 
  • On the ninth day… The niners are in San Francisco. How far west have you traveled in the US? 
  • On the tenth day… Remember 5&10 stores? What’s your favorite candy? 
  • On the eleventh day… Honors (and hobbits) enjoy elevenses…. Are you a coffee or tea drinker (and if tea what kind)? 
  • On the twelfth day … What is your favorite part of December and why? 
Here is how I presented the questions:
I wrote the questions in the font Harrington, printed them to be the size of the holiday themed tape, taped the question around a candy cane and added the number. We went in the order of how they were selected. It sparked a lot of conversation among staff ranging from their teens to adults with over 30 years experience at UB.

I thought it went well anyway :)

If you decide to use this idea, please let me know. I'd love to know if it got used someday!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

2013 end approaching

I love odd years. They are the ones that just seem to go more smooth. Bad things happen all around, but somehow in the odd years I can handle the bumps in the road. 

Sad to see 2013 speeding to an ending. Been a good one. Didn't cross everything quite off my list, but I moved along in a positive way. I think I've got at least 5 more years of time insanity with the kids growing and my elders aging.

I mean the last time I wrote here was May when I was starting my summer reading list. I managed to read quite a few books but then school started and life took off and bam, here it is Thanksgiving. I didn't manage to even hit 5000 words in NaNoWrMo this year. But I have a new idea.

I only managed to knit scarves again this year, but I made four and can give them away.

The kitchen reno went really well (now we need to finish before 2014 starts) and I think overall this year was good. One more month to wrap things up and then cocoon myself as best I can til 2015 rolls around.

Hoping not to be gone for so long next time.