Monday, October 8, 2012

Day One HeWeb12

WOW, Day one of HeWeb12 is over. I had a blast. Not being a newbie anymore makes a huge difference. I've kind of figured out how to navigate the sessions, find the plugs and locate the people I've followed online. The only negative spot was the loss of wifi for a few hours, but that might have been good cause it got me to focus on the presenters more. I also got published today!

Check out the link at LINK: Cloud Computing Blog on Link 

And I was in the same room as Adam Savage from Mythbusters. His talk was unexpected and thought provoking. He answered every question I had and I managed to capture some thoughts on my camera. Hoping his thoughts about art and engineering actually got captured because I think my daughter would love to hear that word for word.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

HighEdWeb and Link

So, I'm plotting my sessions for the HighEdWeb conference next week when I saw the "call for bloggers" from Link, the Journal of Higher Education.

It's been a while since I wrote for a journal but I miss it. So I sent an email to the editor and got a response back almost right away. I am now scheduled to cover three of the sessions next week with a possibility of adding two more once I finalize my plans.

I am really pleased I followed up. It will be nice to connect with the "reporters" covering the conference and also be able to contribute to telling the story that evolves in Milwaukee.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Permission to write

So, I have an idea for a book. And I've toyed with it. Tried to write last November during NaNoMoWrite and just didn't have enough time or enough of the idea. That book failed completely.

But one of my characters keeps popping up in my head. So, I've been debating plotting her story but I keep thinking it's not good enough or interesting enough etc.

Last night I read something by Anna Quinden in her book "Being Perfect." She said "Once you've read Anna Karenina, Bleak House, The Sound and the Fury, To Kill A Mockingbird, and A Wrinkle in Time, you understand that there is really no reason to ever write another novel. Except that each writer brings to the table, if she will let herself, something that no one else in this history of time ever has. That is her own personality, her own voice....she may well be giving readers a new and wonderful gift. Giving it to herself, too."

So, I'm going to try again. But this time I'm going to try to outline something before November. Maybe if I have a path I can finally finish a story.